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I have been working in Linux Fedora Systems for more than 8 years. Its fun to share knowledge and learn..
As everyone knows when a problem arises in your systems "googling" is the way that many depend on..

All the posts here are my working experiences during my working life.. So you can count on it..

I have added the references where I got help in solving IT issues

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We planned to enable auto-dnssec maintain in the DNS server to allow dynamic updates with DNSSEC. In the process, it is required to implement dns update with TSIG key. We implemented the key pair with following command.

 #dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST

It generated following key pair.

and the key pair was included in /var/named as the files can be accessed by named user. The permissions were set to rw by the user named.

The pre-shared key were included in the name.conf (locate in /etc in our case) as follows;

key "" {
        algorithm       hmac-md5;
        secret  "********************************************";

where the hidden part is taken from the Kupdatekey.mydomian.private

In the zone section in the named.conf file, the key name was configured as the allows key for zone update;

         type master;
         file "mydomain.file";
         .... . . . .
         allow-update {  key; };

Once we need to update the DNS entries in the zone '' we tried the following command from the localhost.

nsupdate -k <key_file.private>
>server <serve_ip>
>update add/delete <update query>

If there is an issue, the error will be prompted else DNS entries will be updated and if  the zone if configured with
        auto-dnssec maintain;
        dnssec-secure-to-insecure yes;
        key-directory "/var/named/keys"; the new updates will be propagated with dnssec signatures and as IXFR updates to secondaries.

Issues We Found and Solutions
In the initial stage, when generating the key pair we used the domain as the name for the shared key file and the key name given in the named.conf was different to the key file name.
i.e. file generated was and
and in the named.conf the shared key name was

We followed the same steps as above the only differences were, the share key name given in the named.conf is different to the Key name;

Named conf parameters
key "" {
        algorithm       hmac-md5;
        secret  "**********************************************";

Command given for nsupdate
nsupdate -k 

Once we entered the data for nsupdate, once we confirm the changes with send, it gave the error
TSIG error with server: tsig indicates error

But most interestingly when we used the nsupdate with -y and the key name and pre-shared  string in the named.conf it worked fine.

**Later we understood that the key name should be same as the string that we provided in generating the key with dnssec-keygen -H ..... etc. The key name and the file id should be identical.

Other than that we did not encountered any other issues and we are ready with DNSSEC auto-dnssec maintain with IXFR.

Good reference for TSIG and nsupdate

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