
Welcome to My Blog

This is to share my IT experience with friends all around the world.
I have been working in Linux Fedora Systems for more than 8 years. Its fun to share knowledge and learn..
As everyone knows when a problem arises in your systems "googling" is the way that many depend on..

All the posts here are my working experiences during my working life.. So you can count on it..

I have added the references where I got help in solving IT issues

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Limiting a User to Read few columns on a table in MySQL Database

I wanted to limit a mysql user to read only few fields of a table in a MySQL database. I used select grant privileges command to get the desired output.

For example if a user 'test_user' is requested to access field1, field3 and field6 on the test_table in test_db at server following user creation will work.

The user has to be added at the mysql server running on I have assumed the user test_user is connecting from

mysql> GRANT SELECT (`field1` ,`field3`, `field6`)  ON `test_db`.`test_table` TO 'test_user'@'' identified by 'test_pw';

If you want to allow the user to modify the data in the table you may use 'UPDATE' privilege instead of 'SELECT' privilege.
