We have experienced a specific issue when we try to upgrade the bind version (from current to latest) in BIND DNS servers. As we noticed the location of the executable binaries ( named, dns-key etc) is changed (i.e /usr/sbin OR /usr/local/sbin) depending on the way you installed bind.
(i.e. From RPMs/ yum OR install from the source code)
You can check the location using following command
which named
The output will be somewhat like /usr/sbin/named or /usr/local/sbin/named as mentioned above.
When you try to upgrade bind with source code, by default the executable location will be /usr/local/sbin and you will ended up with server failure when restart the service.
The solution is as follows
First you need to download the source code and untar it to your home directory
If your executable location is /usr/sbin you have to compile the source code with following parameters
./configure --sbindir=/usr/sbin
Then issue make and make install commands to install the new version
Check whether it has upgraded using named -v command
named -v
Now restart the service ( server named restart OR /etc/init.d/named restart)
(i.e. From RPMs/ yum OR install from the source code)
You can check the location using following command
which named
The output will be somewhat like /usr/sbin/named or /usr/local/sbin/named as mentioned above.
When you try to upgrade bind with source code, by default the executable location will be /usr/local/sbin and you will ended up with server failure when restart the service.
The solution is as follows
First you need to download the source code and untar it to your home directory
wget -b source_code_url
tar -xzvf bind-9.x.x.tar.gz If your executable location is /usr/sbin you have to compile the source code with following parameters
./configure --sbindir=/usr/sbin
Then issue make and make install commands to install the new version
make install
Check whether it has upgraded using named -v command
named -v
Now restart the service ( server named restart OR /etc/init.d/named restart)
Note: If you have a doubt about what you will get after the upgrade... tar your executable folder and keep as a backup. You can have your old version once you untar the contents in the backed up and replaced it.